Livestock is a charity that works within the community running arts groups, events and performances to support, connect, educate and entertain. The charity’s primary project is Mothers Uncovered, which helps new mothers reconnect with the women they have always been. In addition to providing a support service through workshops and arts projects, giving participants the chance to talk honestly about their feelings and experiences, without fear of judgement.
Since being a finalist in the Groundwork Community Awards, Mothers Uncovered have successfully trademarked themselves and are putting together a licence pack enabling other communities to develop a Mothers Uncovered programme.
Maggie Gordon-Walker was named as Trailblazer and has since attended two events in Parliament. The women of Mothers Uncovered are working on putting together an APPG on a maternal peer support database accessible to health professionals and the public, in order to improve those services.
The Groundwork Community Awards 2019 will take place on the 22nd November 2019.