Taylor Made Dreams is a charity that enables children with life limiting illnesses and terminal conditions to achieve their dreams.
Location: Crowborough, East Sussex

The charity was set up in 2013 by Suzi Mitchell with the help of her friend, Amanda after Suzi’s son, Taylor passed away at the age of 15.
Before Taylor died in 2011, he and his mum wrote a bucket list of things he wanted to do, it was at this time that Suzi decided she wanted to help children like Taylor to achieve their dreams as a legacy to her son.
Taylor Made Dreams supports children to fulfil their bucket list dreams and they also source and financially support holistic therapy and counselling for the families on their difficult journey. Families are also given the option of a family portrait and every child is given a medical sheepskin fleece to provide relief from, and/or prevention of pressure sores which children are susceptible to when bedridden for long periods of time due to their illness.
If in the sad event the child passes, Taylor Made Dreams gift the family a silver dragonfly pendant with their loved ones name engraved on the reverse as a precious keepsake for the future.
Since gaining charitable registration in August 2014, the charity has arranged and financially supported over 700 individual bucket list items, sourced and financially supported over 600 holistic therapy sessions and 200 counselling hours for the child with illness, and/or their family members.
Run by a handful of dedicated volunteers and only two paid members of staff, the charity aims to bring some light in the darkest of times for the children and their families to create lasting memories for the future and supports to hold families together when all they feel like doing is falling apart.
Suzi Mitchell, founder of Taylor Made Dreams, said:
They call today the present because it is such a gift, is a quote by Ogden Nash and here at Taylor Made Dreams, that quote inspires us every single day. Helping children and families who are going through such traumatic times need our help and support to live their best lives right now and in the moment. Becoming a finalist is a major achievement for Taylor Made Dreams and we are sincerely grateful our work has been recognised.