In March 2017 EE committed to working closely with Cwm Wanderers AFC to establish a football Academy and social club for children with Autism. From that point EE has provided everything that the academy would need to launch and establish itself as an essential community project which has dramatically changed the lives of all associated with it from the Swansea valley.
Location: Merthyr Tydfil, Wales
From the outset EE has listened to and fully understood the daily challenges of children on the ASD spectrum and the impact on their families lives. In setting up the academy in partnership with Cwm Wanderers AFC, the support from EE has been invaluable and has forged a strong bond between the local community and approximately 900 people who work at EE Merthyr who voted for the Academy to become adopted as the site charity for 2018.
Every member of the EE community has either volunteered their time on a weekly basis, their expertise in helping us to develop an APP to support the football training and general health and wellbeing of the children, or have been involved in fundraising activities which are taking place each week across the entire site, which has made a hugely significant difference and enabled the academy to establish itself as the single most important community project within the area. An entire community has been galvanised in this venture and each week the number of active volunteers grow.