Dovecote Children & Families project is a community led, parent managed scheme delivering various services to support the development and wellbeing of children, children with disabilities and families experiencing complex issues, poverty and social exclusion. We work to empower and support local families to develop and co-deliver services meeting crucial community needs.

Location: Oxford

The project offers a friendly, welcoming focus point in which local residents can access support, training opportunities, employment, volunteering opportunities, a friendly face just to chat to, access to resources such as internet, use of a computer, admin support and much more. Project breaks down barriers reducing access and isolation by offering experiences and opportunities that build and enhance their confidence, knowledge and aspirations. Children and young people are encouraged and supported to play a lead role in the planning of activities, events and to make suggestions about club policies and procedures. The Dovecote Children & Families project helps build, encourage and develop self-esteem and life skills in a community of low expectations and achievements.

Twelve local volunteers are involved in the design and delivery of its services, with three young people acting as Trustees.

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